Teachers need and appreciate love. You don’t need a special occasion to buy your child’s teacher a gift. Give your favorite teacher something they need or could really use for THEMSELVES. We appreciate classroom supplies but we have to be reminded to take care of ourselves because it is so easy to get burned out. If you have no idea what to give them, ask them what they like. Some teachers will send home a Meet Your Teacher flier with their favorite things on it or the front office/principals may have teachers complete one each year. You could ask the secretary or principal for a copy. I’m sure they would be happy to share it with you.
As a teacher and a parent, I absolutely love surprising my children’s teachers with random treats throughout the school year. Teaching is truly heart work and I want them to know that I appreciate them. I’m a crafty person so I tend to make them shirts, bags, and other things with their monogram or a quote. However, if you are not or do not have the time to be crafty that is okay. I’ve polled some of my teacher friends inquiring about their favorite things. This is what they suggested…
1. Gift cards (Amazon, restaurants, Target, WalMart, Visa, etc.)
Many people say that gift cards are not very thoughtful teacher gifts. However, I disagree. If you get me a gift card to one of my favorite restaurants or a generic gift card which I’ll probably use for gas, I’d be over the moon. If I give a teacher a gift card I always remind them to treat themselves because sometimes we need the reminder and did I mention teacher burnout – it’s a real thing. You could also get them a gift card to a specific place that would require them to treat themselves – Restaurants, Bath & Body Works, Burlington, TJ Maxx, etc.
2. Teacher bag
The sturdier the better. Bonus points if it is waterproof. I am someone who puts everything in their teacher bag. It may sit on the floor in my car or house, get tossed around a little, have to carry heavy things, etc. so I need a good quality bag. I’ve torn a couple and have been afraid to use the thinner ones. For a personal touch, you could have the teacher’s name, monogram, favorite quote, handprints of students on it, etc.

3. Personalized items (pens, clipboards, shirts, water bottles, storage containers, etc.)
Personalization is a great way to add a special touch to anything and makes for a unique teacher gift. From monograms to names to quotes, the possibilities are endless. Any and everything can be personalized and you can find a lot of items on Etsy for reasonable prices.
4. Letters of love and appreciation
I have a smile file in which I keep all of my notes, letters, and cards from students, their families, and other colleagues. I refer back to these when I’m having an uninspired day. They really mean the world to me and often motivate me to keep going. You could also make or purchase a box or container to put those items in.
5. Self-care items (lotions, body wash, face masks, aromatherapy sprays, etc.)
I love candles and essential oils. But not everyone does. I would ask before buying to ensure you purchase a fragrance the teacher prefers. Or get them a gift card to Bath & Body Works or some place similar and they can pick out their own. You can find more self-care items in my Amazon Storefront HERE.
6. Favorite Snacks and sweets
You can never go wrong with this one and it doesn’t have to be teacher appreciation week to buy a small snack. My snack stash has come in handy so many times – like the time I forgot my lunch, the time I didn’t want what I brought for lunch, the time my lunch fell on the floor, or the time I didn’t have time to eat a whole lunch. Some teachers complete work at home which sometimes means late nights and/or early mornings. A sweet treat can wake us up when we are crashing in the afternoons.
7. Keurig mini coffee maker and/or coffee pods
These days you can make much more than coffee with a Keurig (just in case your favorite teacher doesn’t like coffee). They are quick and easy to use and beat making a pot of coffee if you don’t need that much. It can also save them money, as most popular coffee brands make K-Pods which you can find in most stores.
8. FujiFilm Instax Mini
These little gadgets are a great way to capture any moment and make the perfect teacher gift. They are easy to use, don’t take up as much space as a traditional camera, and are reasonably priced. Pictures of the first and last days of school, field trips, etc. can be sent home with students the same day or posted on a classroom memory board. This is an easy and great way to build your classroom community!
9. Candles, diffusers, etc.
If your favorite teacher loves scents then this is the perfect gift for him/her. Some schools may not allow teachers to burn candles so you may want to buy a candle warmer also. Diffusers come in all different sizes and styles and are really easy to use. This could be another personalized gift or tailor it to their classroom theme. Some of them even come with essential oils!

10. Keychain or lanyard
A personalized lanyard is always a lovely gift, especially for a new teacher. You can find them in all kinds of variations from characters to plants on Etsy. If your favorite teacher likes something unique like armadillos, you could email the lanyard designer and inquire about custom orders. Some designers are ready and willing to accommodate your unique needs.
In my opinion, the more unique or personable the gift is, the better. However, we are always thankful to know that our hard work doesn’t go unnoticed by parents. If you need inspiration, check out my Amazon Storefront Teacher Gift List.
***Even though the title is Teacher Gifts, these gifts would be perfect for anyone in the education field – paraprofessionals, principals, assistant principals, coaches, interns, etc.***
Interested in more of my top 10, check these out:
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